Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

The development of television technology.

The development of television technology.
The history of development of telecommunications technology are briefly as follows:
1895  found a cordless radio communication by Marconi (Italy)
1897 Cathode Tubes (Braun tube) invented by KF Braun (Germany) to enable the realization of the

television monitor.
1922 Radio began in the U.S., France, Germany, China and the Soviet Union
1925 Experiments Monitor TV receiving the signal carried by JL Baird (UK).
1927 Experimental TV Monitor send and receive signals carried by Kenjiro Takayanagi (Japan).

Color TV monitor experiments conducted by JL Baird (UK).
1929 Trial begins TV broadcasts by the BBC (UK).
Color TV with cable experiments conducted by Bell Telephone Laboratories (USA).
1933 Tubes Camera iconoscope found by VK Zworykin (USA) so that pioneered the way to realize the

television cameras.
1937 Broadcast TV was started by the BBC (UK).
1939 experiment was started by NHK TV Japan.
1941 TV broadcasts began in the U.S..
1951 color TV broadcasts begin in the U.S..
1953 was started by NHK Broadcast TV Station which is followed by the Japanese government and

private stations.
1954 Broadcast NTSC color TV (National Television System Committee) began in the U.S..
1957 Experiments color TV broadcast was started by NHK Japan.

On air Sputnik 1 satellite by the Soviet Union.
1958 was launched by the U.S. telecommunications satellite.
1960 Broadcast NTSC color TV was started by NHK Japan.
1963 Transmission of TV broadcasting via satellite between the U.S. and Japan managed to broadcast

news of U.S. President JF Kennedy assassination.
1964 Satellite Transmission uses broadcast Olympic event in Tokyo, Japan.
1967 color TV broadcast PAL (Phase Alternating Line-rate) started in Britain, West Germany and the

Color TV broadcast SECAM (Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire) started in France and the Soviet Union.
1968 PAL color TV broadcasts began in Switzerland.
1969 SECAM color TV broadcasts begin in East Germany.
Apollo 11 (USA) managed to send color images Month (Telekomunkasi Space).
The satellite was launched in 1970 Oosumi Japan.
1976 1 launched Palapa Indonesia.
Digital Satellite TV Broadcasting 2000 started in the U.S.
Digital Satellite TV Broadcasting 2001 started in Japan.
2003 Broadcast TV with VHF / UHF Digital started in Japan.

The terms, expressions and acronyms related to digital technologies:
Broadcasting System:
NTSC         National Television System Committee (USA, Japan, South Korea)
PAL            Phase Alternating Line-rate (UK, Germany, Indonesia)
SECAM      Sequential Couleur Avec Memoire or Sequential Color with Memory (France, Russia)
HDTV         High Definition Television
SDTV         Standard Definition Television

Digital Satellite Television
EDTV         Extended Digital Television

Technology Certification Organization / Format:
ISO International Standards Organzation
(International Organizatin for Standardization)
Example: ISO 4001, ISO 9000 etc..

JIS Japan Industrial Standards
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

CCITT Comite Consultatif Internationale des Telegraph e Telefone
(International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee)
ITU International Telecommunication Union
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standard Sector

ITU-R Rec.601 Digital TV Signal Coding Parameters for Telecommunications
525-60, 625-50 System Luminance sampled at 13.5 MHz, 720 pixels

Chrominance (CR / CB) sampled at 6.75 MHz, 360 pixels (4:2:2)
525-60 System Luminance sampled at 13.5 MHz, 720 pixels

Chrominance (CR / CB) sampled at 13.375 MHz, 180 pixels (4:1:1)
625-50 System Luminance sampled at 13.5 MHz, 720 pixels

Chrominance (CR / CB) sampled at 6.75 MHz, 360 pixels (4:2:0)
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Enineering
AES / EBU Audio Engineering Society / European Broadcasting Union
Example: Digital Audio Signal I / F Format
ANSI   American National Standards Institute
EIA      Electronic Industries Association (USA)
EIAJ    Electronic Industries Association of Japan
CCIR  Comite Consultatif Internationale des Radio Communications
(International Radio Consultative Committee)
ABU   Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union

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